At How Many Degrees Should Scarves and Shawls Be Washed?

At How Many Degrees Should Scarves and Shawls Be Washed?
  • 22 May 2021

At How Many Degrees Should Scarves and Shawls Be Washed?


The question of how many degrees the scarf and shawl should be washed is among the most frequently asked. In particular, information about how to wash unique production models sold by the Lasyana brand is curious. Our company has produced countless unique production shawl models from past to present and brought them together with consumers. Our brand allows you to quickly meet your wholesale shawl, wholesale scarf, and wholesale hijab need. Now we move on to our content. Here is the answer to how many degrees the shawl and scarf should be washed.


 How to Clean Scarf and Shawl?


The most practical way to clean your scarf or silk shawl is to wash it with dry cleaning. In advanced washing machines, the dry cleaning program is the simplest method to clean your products. If there is no dry cleaning program in your machine's settings, you can go to the nearest dry cleaner and have your headscarves cleaned wholesale. If your headscarves are heavily stained and you are worried about cleaning them, you can prefer professional dry cleaning offices instead of machine washing. Although this situation will upset you financially, it will ensure that your products are cleaned correctly.


If you have decided to wash your shawl or scarf yourself, there are some points to consider. These are briefly:


Lime, chlorine, etc., in the water you will use during cleaning. Items should not be.


If you are going to clean with water from the mains water, you should boil the water thoroughly before washing. In addition to all these, the temperature of the water is among the most critical issues. Make sure that the water you will use during washing is lukewarm.


You can buy wholesale shawls, wholesale headscarves, and wholesale scarves by contacting us now. The wholesale products you will buy from us are among the most preferred products in the market. Thanks to our products, you can increase your sales by making a difference to your competitors.


What are the Points to Consider in Scarf and Shawl Cleaning?


 Do not use detergent while washing your shawl. Detergents and fabric softeners are very harmful to silk shawls. At the same time, we recommend that you do not use soap. We want to point out that the soap does not come out of the pores of the shawl, but if it is not rinsed well, your shawl will look dull. In this case, we also emphasize that using baby shampoo is the ideal way to clean. After washing the shawl, you should not wring it in any way.


You should wash your shawl very gently and avoid harsh movements. You also have to be very careful while rinsing. Just like with the washing step, you need to be very gentle while rinsing. The rinse water is also always essential. It should be at the temperature of the washing water, and you should not add anything separate to the water. While squeezing the silk shawl, form a ball with both hands and gently squeeze. You can buy wholesale shawls, wholesale headscarves, and wholesale scarves by contacting us now.


Can Scarves and Shawls Be Washed in a Washing Machine?


Silk shawl models are not suitable for washing in the washing machine. To learn the most accurate washing instructions, you should look at the instructions on the product label. If you want to wash your scarf in the machine, we recommend you wash it by placing it in a net. You should not forget that you should also cancel the spin function of your washing machine during this process. At the same time, you should not pre-wash your shawl while washing it. You should not put detergent in your washing machine during washing; you should prefer a special cleaning shawl shampoo.


The average washing temperature should be between 30 and 20 degrees, and you should pay attention to the drying process after washing. It would help if you did not expose your shawl model, which is carefully washed, to direct sun and heat. Paying attention to these situations can make your scarf look bright and lively for a long time. You can buy wholesale shawls, wholesale headscarves, and wholesale scarves by contacting us now.


How Much Should Scarves and Shawls Be Cleaned?


The maximum degree of water you will use while washing your shawl and scarf should be set to 30. If you want to use shawls for a long time, we recommend that you do not iron your wet products.


The best time to iron your products is to iron them on the silk setting just before use. For all these steps we have covered throughout our content, the best solution for cleaning shawls is dry cleaning.


You can get information about exciting shawl models by contacting us. In addition, you can reach the most used products thanks to our company's wholesale scarves, wholesale shawls, and wholesale headscarves sales. Our company offers a much more affordable price guarantee than the companies in the sector and protects its customers against prices.


Can Scarves and Shawls Be Hand Washed?


You can clean the shawl models you bought with the assurance of the Lasyona brand in your hand or with the relevant settings of your machine. During all these washing stages, paying attention to the instructions given to you in our content is essential.


By contacting us, we can buy wholesale shawls, wholesale headscarves, and wholesale scarves. The wholesale products you will buy from us are among the most preferred products in the market. Thanks to our products, you can increase your sales by making a difference to your competitors.

